
Thursday, July 9, 2020

How to Care for Your Car if You’re a First-time Owner

Who doesn’t love to get a new car? Whether it’s used or brand new, having your own vehicle spells freedom and the ability to travel wherever you want. However, as with everything, a car requires maintenance, and the more you know about how to care for it, the longer it will last.

If you’re a first-time car owner and need a few reminders about how to care for your new vehicle, check out the pointers below.

Check the Tire Pressure

Keeping the tire pressure maintained on your car is vital for safety and ensuring the longevity of the tires themselves. Tires that are too low can also contribute to poor fuel efficiency, causing you to pay more in the long run. If you’ve never checked your tire pressure before, you can buy a pressure gauge and do it yourself. Some newer models of cars also have computerized readings that will let you know when it’s time to re-inflate. Failing that, visit an auto repair shop and they can do the reading or inflation for you.

Get Your Oil Changed

Regular oil changes are essential for the longevity and smooth running of your car’s engine. Not only does it lubricate the engine, but it also helps prevent damage and can assist with cooling, preventing engine wear and more. In terms of regularity, it’s recommended that you change your oil every 3,000 miles. Newer cars will also provide computerized readings of the oil levels and will let you know when it’s time to fill up.

Keep Up with Windshield Maintenance

Keeping your windshield clean is important for a number of reasons. The first is obviously safety: a dirty windshield can cause accidents at night or if you run into glare. Beyond cleanliness, any cracks in a windshield should also be attended to. Cracks weaken the integrity of the glass, which is dangerous and could shatter when braking suddenly or during a minor accident. Clean your windshield regularly and make sure it’s in tip-top shape.

Follow Your Car Manufacturer’s Maintenance Guidance

Depending on the model of the car (or whether it’s new or used), it’s important to refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for maintenance. Mechanics will often tell you to come in more often than you need to, so it’s best to check your manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule, which outlines when to check the oil, tire pressure, or fluid levels. This could save you money in the long run and prevent you from making unnecessary trips to the local auto repair shop.

Keep it Clean

Lastly, keep your car clean as much as possible. This includes both the interior and exterior, ensuring it’s not only washed and polished, but also that the seats and floor mats are vacuumed. Cleanliness is not only important for how it looks but will also ensure its longevity. Dirt, road salt, particles, and grime will wear down the parts and upholstery, so make sure you clean your car regularly. If you’re looking for bargains on car maintenance or cleaning parts, Advance Auto Parts coupons can get you great deals on everything you need to take care of your car.

Above are just a few of the things you can do to look after your vehicle. Enjoy taking care of your new ride!

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