
Monday, January 20, 2020

A Parent's Guide to Addiction in Teenagers

Helping an adult friend or relative with addiction issues can be challenging enough in its own right — helping a teenager can be even more of a troublesome issue. When we are in our teen years, we often struggle to articulate exactly what it is we mean, and also how to process exactly what we’re going through. This is why some specialist help is often needed when it comes to tackling problems such as addiction in teenagers.

Abuse or Addiction?
It is easy to reach for the worst possible conclusion as a parent, particularly if you are worried about their well-being. However, it is important to acknowledge that there is a fundamental difference between addiction and abuse. Abuse is a short-term problem wherein damaging substances are used frequently, but are not used out of necessity. Addiction refers to the process wherein the user becomes either physically or psychologically addicted to a substance and feels as if they are mostly dependent on it.

Talk Therapy
Talking therapies will be incredibly important to your teenager, as it encourages them to open up about not only how they’re feeling, but also the potential causes of their current situation. Understanding the cognitive side of addiction is just as important as the detox phase. When the time is right, talk to your teenager about potentially going for talking therapy. You will need to reiterate to them that going for talking therapy is not simply explaining your life to a complete stranger (as this is sometimes used as a reason not to go). Instead, you should reassure them that a therapist is a neutral, confidential and professional individual who is there to resolve their thought processes.

Find Local Help Resources
Finding help resources that are local are far more preferable to carting your teenager away to a distant land for treatment. Finding a help center in your state or province will make life much easier for arranging appointments and visits, especially if they are required to spend an extended amount of time there for treatment. Ignite Teen Treatment in Las Vegas would be one example of a treatment center that is part of a bigger chain in multiple local locations.

Don’t Accidentally Enable
If you are worried about your child’s welfare, it’s easy to go a little too easy on them. However, this can accidentally enable their behavior. For example, don’t let them disappear for two hours if you know full well this could be an opportunity for them to return to their bad habits. Be understanding, available and supportive of their recovery, but draw the line when it comes to enabling their unhelpful activities.

While it can feel as if you are constantly getting it wrong or struggling to cope when it comes to helping a teenager cope with addiction, it is important to know that this path may not run smoothly, and that you are doing the best you can. Getting professional help will help to remove some of the pressure you place on yourself as a parent.

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