
Monday, December 30, 2019

5 Ways to Beat Exhaustion

Being exhausted can have you feeling like you’re trapped in an endless loop of lethargy. In order to break the loop and beat exhaustion for good, you need to make wiser choices regarding your health, lifestyle and food preferences. Often, the simplest measures can work best to beat exhaustion overall.

Here are 5 of the best ways to stop feeling so tired all the time.

Stay Active

Exercise and fitness may be the last thing on your mind when you’re feeling exhausted – or, it may seem counterproductive if you’re looking to have more energy. However, regular exercise can help to boost your motivation and enable you to feel more alert. There’s a reason why a morning workout is a good idea, as it wakes you up and means that you can start the day feeling fresher. The less exercise you do and the less you move throughout the day, the more sluggish and tired you’ll feel.

Get the Right Nutrients

A great way to feel more energized is to ensure that you’re getting the right ingredients in your diet. Vitamins and nutrients are essential for feeling more alert and less tired. Solutions such as mobile iv therapy can make sure you get the right nutrients tailored to your energy needs.

A healthy diet overall goes a long way regarding your motivation levels. Unhealthy, greasy foods can leave you feeling more lethargic and less likely to want to get up and move about.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

You don’t have to be morbidly overweight for extra weight to take its toll on you. If you’re carrying an unhealthy amount of weight for your size, this means that the extra weight you’re carrying around is resulting in more energy being consumed. The extra weight also puts a strain on your body, meaning you’re more likely to feel tired. In contrast, maintaining a healthy weight means you will feel more energized.

You can always check your optimum weight based on your BMI to know what you are aiming for.

Make Sure You’re Getting Enough Sleep

You may think that you’re already getting enough sleep, yet you always find yourself feeling tired. It could be that you’re in bed for the necessary number of hours, but your sleep might be interrupted or light. Different people work best on varying amounts of sleep, so it’s important to understand how much sleep you personally need. If you always feel tired, try getting an extra few hours of sleep and see if this makes a difference.

Also, make sure you eliminate any distractions, have a peaceful and comfortable place to sleep, and avoid looking at technology right before you go to bed.

Cut Down on Alcohol

Drinking alcohol in the evening will result in you having a lighter sleep, even if it helps you to fall asleep quicker. Alcohol prevents your body from falling into a deep, comfortable sleep. Cutting down on alcohol means you will be able to get a better night’s sleep and therefore feel less exhausted.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

4 Mistakes You Should Avoid at all Costs When Starting a Home-Based Business

Starting a home-based business is a dream for many and could be your ticket to financial independence. The issue, however, is that many have a romanticised idea of what it means to work from home and don’t understand some of the challenges and responsibilities that come with it. But those who will be able to learn from the mistakes of others and draw a solid plan before they make the jump will always have an edge. Here are some of the mistakes you should avoid when starting a home-based business.

Not Considering Alternative Funding Options

A lot of people who start businesses from home will wrongly assume that nobody will be willing to lend them money. But that’s not true, even if you don’t have the best credit. There are plenty of services that will allow you to get no guarantor loans that won’t require that you get a co-signer, even with a low credit score. These loans will usually be on the smaller side but could be more than enough to buy supplies, set up your website, or pay for advertising.

Letting Fear Limit You

A lot of people have great ideas for starting a business, but they are letting fear paralyse them. Some may be terrified of making a phone call and selling their service. Others might think that no one would want to do business with someone who’s unproven. But little do they know that some would love nothing more than to help people who are just getting started. Sometimes, all you need is one person in your corner to sing your praises for your business to take off, so keep on trying.

Not Asking for Advice

Another thing you should not be afraid of is asking for help. There is a quasi-infinite number of resources out there, and if you’re trying to build a business, chances are that there’s a coach or a course on it somewhere. 
Look for courses, coaching, and mentoring opportunities, and check what people had to say about them. These people have been there and done that and could allow you to avoid roadblocks before you have to face them. Working with the right people could accelerate your progress in ways you could never imagine and help you avoid costly mistakes that could end up sinking your business before it sets sail.

Waiting Until Everything is Just Right

At the other end of the spectrum, you also shouldn’t wait until everything is perfect to get started. You don’t need to have the perfect professional website to start selling your services. You don’t need to spend thousands on a perfect wardrobe to start working as a consultant. And it’s okay if your first product has a few kinks and errors. There is no such thing as a perfect formula, and sometimes, all you need is the courage to make the jump and improve your craft as you go.

Starting a business from home can be exciting, but it’s also a serious step in your life. This could be the difference between you becoming a successful entrepreneur or getting disillusioned. So make sure you follow these few tips and learn as much as you can before you make the move.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Superior Source Vitamin (SSV) December #giveaway

Hey everyone!! Now that it is December, this is a good time to post this month's Superior Source review and giveaway. Hope you have a nice December and following Winter Months.  And it's good timing because this months promo is Give the Gift of Health!

And as you know from my other reviews and giveaways, I really love Superior Source Vitamins. See my previous posts for more info HERE HERE  HERE & HERE

I have a great giveaway for you to enter. Please read all info below and one winner will win a vitamin prize pack. This is the Superior Source Vitamin (SSV) December #giveaway.