Hey all here is the next book in the March Harlequin tour. Spring has taken a retreat around here though, hopefully it will be back soon...

In the meantime here is a Q&A with the author of A Baby for the Deputy, Cathy McDavid:

A Baby for the DeputyIn the meantime here is a Q&A with the author of A Baby for the Deputy, Cathy McDavid:
- How did you come up with the relationship between Aaron Travers and Melody Hartman?
There seems to be a trend these days for young couples to “hang out together” rather than date --- at least, that’s what I hear and what my daughter tells me. I gave Aaron and Mel difficult romantic pasts, which made the idea of a no-strings-attached relationship appealing to them, then complicated things with an unexpected pregnancy because, well, life is complicated.
- What is your favorite part about writing Western Romance books?
I truly am a lover of all things western. I owned horses most of my life, grew up watching Bonanza and Big Valley reruns, and lived the western lifestyle for many, many years. For me, there is no sexier, more appealing romance book hero than a rugged, good looking cowboy.
- Do you have any traditions you enjoy during early Spring?
You mean besides the mandatory spring cleaning and yard work? Absolutely! I always attend the Glendale Chocolate Affair in February and Tucson Festival of Books in March where local romance writers host two to three days of mega booksignings. I love connecting with readers, both new and those that drop by every year for my latest release. Plus, I’m surrounded by books and authors.
- When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
Like a lot of authors, I started writing at a young age. For me, it was in high school (I actually won a contest for a children’s book I wrote and illustrated). I didn’t seriously, however, until twenty years later. And it wasn’t until I finished that first book that I realized I’d found my passion. Two years ago, I quite the corporate world altogether to write full-time. It’s been a dream come true.
- How long does it take you to write a book?
Two weeks of intense planning and three months to write the book from start to finish. Of course, I always wind up trashing some of those carefully constructed plans in favor of better ideas that strike me along the way.
- Where do you get your idea to write about an unplanned pregnancy?
My publisher loves unplanned pregnancy books, as do readers! Plus, I really do enjoy writing them ☺ All kidding aside, I try to give my couples big, game-changing obstacles to overcome and, let’s face it, an unplanned pregnancy is pretty game-changing. I find writing believable reasons for how a couple finds themselves in this particular predicament and believable scenarios for how they cope with it to be challenging. Then, there’s the love story. My guy is going to do the right thing in the end, but he’s going to do it out of love, not just a responsibility.
- How many books have you written? Do you have a favorite?
I’m in the process of writing my forty-second book. I had to look this up. My more recent favorites are Come Home, Cowboy and Rescuing the Cowboy. My all-time favorite is The Gate to Eden, a western historical. It still remains the book of my hear.
- What book are you reading right now?
The Sapphire Pendant --- a young adult novel by Audrey White Beyer from 1961. Part of my ongoing goal to read classics, especially young adult classics.
- What are your current projects?
I’m currently writing the third book in my newest Mustang Valley series, The Bull Rider’s Valentine. I’m also working on a proposal for a new three-book series in addition to writing a novella for release this summer. Yes, these books will all feature cowboy heroes. What can I say?
- What advice do you have for writers?
My best advice is to carefully consider the advice you receive. Gather as much information as you can from a wide variety of sources. Then, be extremely selective when choosing what to follow. Opinions are free and they vary greatly. Trust your instincts. Follow only the advice that makes the most sense to you.
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