
Friday, August 5, 2016

All Recent Products Received from @Influenster #influenster

off of hiatus for a few posts I need to write. One is for a bunch of stuff I got from Influenster recently.  I got some samples of ZzzQuil first.

I tried for first time last night. slept almost too much, not sure about this stuff. have you tried it? 

I also got GoddessVoxbox here is pic of everything in it.

Go to my Instagram account to see more pics and details & my reviews on most everything here!

Two products I didn't post about mostly on there, I want to mention here are the Downy and the Always products. 

I really loved the samples of the Downy scent beads I got. I used them all and have even now purchased some more for myself at Walmart. I got the April Fresh scent in box and  bought some more of those but would like to try the other ones too!

Also I love Always liners and have been using that brand for years and was happy to get a full size sample of that and will continue to buy those personally

If you would like to join Influenster leave a message and I can email you an invite.

disclosure: all products received free from Influenster for testing purposes. All opinions are my own.

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