
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

How to Get Involved with Animal Welfare from Home

Getting involved with animal welfare and helping endangered species doesn’t always have to be about taking long trips to other countries to volunteer or donating large amounts of money to a charity or foundation. Although both of these things definitely help and make a difference, they are sometimes impossible for a number of different reasons. However, if you are still interested in making a difference and getting involved with animal welfare and protecting endangered species, you’ll be glad to know that there are a number of simple things that you can do from home.

Volunteer Locally

If you can’t pack your bags and jet off to an exotic country to help protect endangered species, the next best thing is to volunteer locally at an animal sanctuary or wildlife park. These organizations are set up usually for the sole purpose of protecting wildlife and endangered species in the area, and provide a haven for these wild animals who normally would have to fend for themselves in an increasingly hazardous environment. However, these organizations often run off charitable donations and the help of volunteers, and your contribution could make a massive difference.

Make Regular Donations

If you’d like to contribute to the protection of endangered species worldwide, there are a number of reputable charities and foundations which you can make donations to, such as the Dancing Star Foundation. Even if you can’t donate a large amount of money, committing to making a donation of just a few dollars a month will still be much appreciated and will go towards the cause.

Make Your Home a Wildlife Haven

Making your home into a wildlife haven doesn’t mean that you have to have bunny rabbits and hedgehogs running around your home, but having them living in your garden and being safe there is a meaningful contribution to the welfare of local wild and even endangered animals in your area. Thanks to increasing building developments, wildlife are faced with more and more hazards. Keeping your garden a wildlife friendly area by ensuring that all trash is stored in lockable trash cans, keeping pets inside at night and planting plenty of local vegetation will give wild animals in your area a safe and habitable place to live.

Drive Safely

Even something as simple as driving safely can help to protect endangered species and contribute towards animal welfare. The number of wild animals killed on the roads is on the increase, and although some of these accidents were unpreventable, some would have been avoided if the driver was more careful. Keeping your eye out for animals on the road and driving carefully could save the lives of many a wild animal, especially if you are driving on rural roads. Not only that, but steady and careful driving releases less carbon emissions, which in turn is kinder to the environment as a whole and reduces the amount of pollution, which in turn contributes to animal welfare.
Would you like to share any more ways in which you can get involved with animal welfare at home?

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