
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Exfoliating Body Scrub with Dead Sea Salt and Natural Oils #Review

Hey everyone! Review Sunday here. I just got this product the other day. And I want to give you some info on it.  It is from the company Adovia.

THE SEA SALT BODY SCRUB: Made with Real Dead Sea Salt - 100% Pure and Genuine for an infusion of 21 Minerals Essential to Proper Skin Function. Great Exfoliator and Moisturizer.

THE BENEFITS: Fine Grain Dead Sea Salts Exfoliate the Top Layer of Dead Skin Cells to Reveal a New Younger Looking Layer of Radiant Skin. Deeply Moisturizing Oils Infuse Skin With Luxurious Hydration that Lasts All Day

My review:

Like pretty much all products I get - I give to my 15 yr old daughter - lol. She tested this product out for me.

No. 1 she noted it is very liquidy/oily - I am not sure if it is supposed to be like that but it seems to be a lot oilier than other similar products she has used.

She tried it in the shower and the first time she said what I mentioned above, but the next day her skin was really soft and did still smelled good.

So the next time she used it she said she drained a lot of the oil/liquid that was on top and then just added a little water to it and used it.

It does seem to really soften  and exfoliate your skin and it has a really awesome scent. So maybe if you like your scrub with the oils you will like this, but she said she didn't like it so oily so you could drain it like she did and use it that way.

Purchase by visiting the link below and buying it on Amazon:

Dead Sea Salt Body Scrub 

Disclosure: free sample
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