
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Tips to Make Sure that Your Dental Implants Last

Implants help enhance the quality of life and reduce the health risks associate with tooth loss.   According to data from the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, approximately 5 million American receive dental implants each year. Unfortunately, many people need to have their implants replaced within a few years. You will need to learn how to take care of them properly to avoid that risk.

Taking Care of Your Implants

You need to do a variety of things to take care of your implants properly. Make sure that you are disciplined about following these steps after receiving a new implant to replace a lost tooth. You will want to reduce the risk they will need to be replaced.
Take Care of Your Gums
Dental implants are made from porcelain or composite materials that do not decay. Since they can’t form cavities, many people don’t clean them as often as they should.
Unfortunately, you still face the risk of developing gum disease, which could cause your implants to loosen. You may need a laser gum treatment to rectify periodontal disease before receiving a new implant. It is much less expensive to take clean your implants regularly to reduce the risk of developing gum disease.
There are several ways to clean your implants to reduce the risk of gum disease. Here are some to keep in mind:
  • Try using a sonic toothbrush with soft bristles
  • Use a fluoride rinse
  • Use a thin floss that can fit between the crevices of your implants
Cleaning your implants is particularly important to reduce the risk of gum disease. Make sure that you clean them as thoroughly as your natural teeth.
Minimize Stress on Your Implants
Unfortunately, the bond between the jawbone and the implant isn’t as strong as natural teeth. You could lose your implant if you face a traumatic injury.
People that tend to clench their teeth during the night are also at risk of losing their implant. You may need to wear a mouth guard to reduce the stress while they are sleeping or try to understand what factors are causing them to clench their teeth. Most people that grind their teeth in the evening are suffering from stress, so they may need to make lifestyle changes, speak with a counselor or take anti-anxiety medications.
You will also need to be careful about the types of foods that you eat. People can eat generally eat the same hard foods that they ate before, but there may be some exceptions. You may need to avoid eating extremely hard or chewy foods until you are accustomed to your implants.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored guest post. 

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