
Monday, February 3, 2014

Book Review: STRESS FREE KIDS by Lori Lite - (and #Giveaway)

Hey everyone, I have a great book review for you. And one lucky entrant will also be able to win a copy of this book. The book is called, "Stress Free Kids," written by Lori Lite.

Here is some info about the book and the author:

From challenging school curriculums to being teased on the playground to body image issues, demands and anxiety are causing today’s children to be weighed down—more than ever before. STRESS FREE KIDS® (Adams Media; January 1, 2014; $17.99) gives parents the techniques and advice they need to help their child deal with life’s pressures. Based on expert Lori Lite’s award-winning program, this book features relaxation and breathing exercises, positive affirmations, and therapeutic audio that will allow children to alleviate stress and apprehension during difficult circumstances.

Lite offers step-by-step instructions to guide parents through each of these powerful techniques as well as tips on how to incorporate each exercise into their child’s daily routine. Using these methods, they will be able to encourage their son or daughter to live a stress-free life by taking in a few calm moments before reacting to an irritating or disappointing situation.
With this complete resource, parents can finally ease their child’s worries and teach them to be more thoughtful, resilient, and confident—one breath at a time.

• This accessible guide shows parents how to help their children ease their worries, manage stress, and build self-esteem

• Author Lori Lite has been featured in Real SimpleFamily Circle, the New York TimesPrevention, and USA Today

• Lite’s self-published children’s titles and audio CDs have sold more than 85,000 copies!

LORI LITE Atlanta, GA |
Award-winning childhood stress expert Lori Lite created her Stress Free Kids® curriculum to alleviate her children’s stress and to help them sleep peacefully. Lite is author of the Indigo Dreams series, which has been awarded the CNE Award of Excellence, and has been featured on several media outlets, including CBS News, USA Today, Web MD, Mind, Body, and Soul, and Prevention Magazine.

My Review:

This book is really great for any parent to read. This will give you strategies on how to cope with kids stress. This book is helpful for parents of all ages. I have seen parenting books before just deal with younger children. Well being a Mom of two teens I has happy to see that this book had some insights and tips for dealing with tweens/teens.

One thing I read geared to parents of teens that really resonated with me was how when talking to teens - they can really so to say "check out." As in as soon as you start talking to them or asking them to do something they just tone you out. They see it as nagging and you don't even get to what you want to say to them, because they already aren't listening.

So according to "Stress Free Kids," one thing that you could do to keep the lines of communication open, is write them a letter. This could be a stress-free way to communicate with your teen. There is an outline of how you could phrase the letter, in the book. And you could write down the child's responsibilities in the letter and let them know the rewards for doing them or the consequences for not. This seems like a great way to get through to your teen in a simple way, that they can read and will be more concise for them! I may try this out on my own daughter!

Another interesting thing that the book points out is that parents own stress can lead to their children's stress. So if parents are relaxed it will help their children relax also. There are many strategies that parents can incorporate into their own lives that will help them de-stress, and in turn help the children.

I would recommend this book to any parent with kids of any age, because this covers a wide range of ages and situations. The exercises and advice in this book can help you and your children to lead a more stress free life!

Purchase - You can get this book on - paperback $12.96 kindle $9.99

Win it! One winner will receive their own (paperback) copy of "Stress Free Kids." Enter using Rafflecopter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received a complimentary copy of this book for review & giveaway purposes only. All opinions are my own.


  1. I want to win this because I have two young children, and I need tips now! I also would love to try the breathing techniques on myself. I stress easily.

  2. I'd like this for our son.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  3. I think it is something so important to research!

  4. I would like to win this for my daughter. Thanks for the opportunity :)

  5. My daughter didn't have the terrible two''s hitting double time now that she's three! I'd appreciate anything that can help me to understand more where she's coming from, and help me convert my parenting weaknesses over to positives

  6. I think this could also help in my classroom.

  7. U have three kids and need this. (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)

  8. U have three kids and need this. (CoreyOlomon at gmail dot com)
