
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Monsters University

Recently, my daughter and I went to see the movie, "Monsters University."

Of course she wanted to see it in 3-D - which I don't like paying those prices, but - this time I paid it.

But I don't really think you need to see it in 3-D. This was a really cool movie. And is a "prequel" to the first one. Now call me crazy, but I never really liked the first one. But I really liked this one - and I think I was even crying a little in some parts - lol.

Here's a cute picture of my daughter with Mike and Sulley.


  1. This sounds like a great movie

  2. We took our picture in the ID too, it looks real, doesn't it?? I like it. :)

    We saw the movie and everyone liked it, even the teen!!! LOL

  3. My boys loved that movie, but our theater didn't have that ID thing. Bummer.

  4. Oh, I bet! I cried a bit with the first. Looks wonderful. But no Boo, right?

  5. I loved the first Monsters, Inc movie. My son's were little when we fist watched it and now their both father's with each a little girl. I'm really looking forward to seeing this film with my granddaughters now :)
