
Monday, June 24, 2013 Review

Hi, everyone. I want to let you know about a website I just learned about. This sounds so cool. And I think is going to be perfect for me.

I don't know about you but I have tons of CD's, DVD's and even a few video games that I do not ever use anymore. Just the other day, I was looking in a cabinet, where we keep all of these, and I was thinking I never use these, but I don't want to just throw them away.

And living in a small rental home now, space is somewhat limited, so It would be great to get rid of some of these. And now I  found a great solution for this. I can sell my DVD's online.

There is a website called And on there you can sell your DVD's, CD's and even video games. I haven't done it yet. But I am really going to look into this. And so far while looking at the website, it seems like a very simple process.

It seems really easy to use. All you have to do is enter the bar codes of the products you want to sell onto the Valuation Engine. It will then give you a price of how much each one is worth. If you have a lot of them, like I do this could really add up to some money for you.

Once you enter your bar codes, then you can ship the different disks to them. You can send them for free using their free shipping service. Then you get cash for your Cd's, Dvd's and games. Couldn't be easier! Please check the website for more information. And for the full terms and conditions.

Doesn't this sounds like a great idea? I am really excited to get started on this. I can already picture what I can do with the extra space I will gain by clearing some of these out. And the extra cash doesn't sound bad either!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. Please see my Disclosure Policy.


  1. This is great. Extra cash is always helpful and we have boxes upon boxes of cds and dvds.

  2. This a great idea, will tell my son about this, he will love it. Thank you for letting us know about this.
