
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

WW "Photographer Dance Pictures"

Hello! Happy Hump Day! I hope you are not sick of pictures of my daughter/dance pictures. But I've got two more. These are pictures that the photographer took of her. They do a really good job.

Which they look better in person, but my husband had to scan these for me. Which he then saved as a pdf file and I just spent the last hour figuring out how to convert them to a jpg file! I am good, but needless to say the quality is better in real life. If any of this makes sense xoxo (which they actually look pretty good here too!)


Hip Hop:


  1. The second out is my favorite. How fun!

    Oh, and you are my hero for figuring out how to convert your files in a reasonable amount of time - it always takes me WAY too long.

  2. I like the second one the best too! A little bit of attitude!

    Thanks for linking up for WW :)

  3. i love the pose.. very elegant.:)

    Happy Wordless Wednesday! My entry is here.

  4. They are very great, and so different. Two very unique looks and dances.

  5. Your daughter is really Rockin It in those photos. Great shots.

  6. Great pics! 2nd one is my have! Following you back via GFC and Blog Lovin!

  7. Awesome, I bet they were fun too, and Liz is right, she's a beauty. :)

  8. How fun! Photos to treasure!
