Wednesday, March 20, 2013

WW "Banished Children"

My daughter is taking ballet class again this year.

I have also managed to save enough money so she could take Hip-Hop classes too. I am thankful for all the opportunities I get through my blog, because believe it or not the  paid opps, have basically been what I have paid these classes with!

Well anyway, last night she got her ballet costume for the recital. The theme this year is from the movie Chitty Chitty Bang-Bang. She is playing what is called one of the "Banished Children." Next week I'll post her Hip-Hop costume!

Here's even a little video I took of her doing some ballet moves in her bedroom.

P.S. I heard about Google reader going away. Now I just heard GFC is eventually to - for everyone. So I just joined Bloglovin. Follow me there too, adding this code so I can claim my blog:

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  1. How sweet is she? I love dancing too. I wonder which she likes better - ballet or hip hop? ;)

    1. They are both so different. I think she likes the Hip-Hop maybe a tiny bit more - lol

  2. Well she's certainly a beautiful "banished child"! My daughter is only three but is dying to start dance soon.

  3. Awww thats so neat. I hope my 13 yr old can start dance soon. She would like to. I think it would help her not to be so shy.

  4. We did the dance class thing for a year, I can't believe how expensive it can be! Yikes! It is so great you are able to put her through by way of your blog. Followed you here from SITS :)

  5. It's wonderful you've become so successful with your blog and have put the money to good use :)

    PS: I've just followed you on Bloglovin'!

  6. That's awesome that your blogging is paying for her dance. I'm actually a co-director of a dance studio and teach competition dance. It's something that will give her many life skills, so you go mommy for working hard so she can do it!

    Thanks so much for linking up with the Bloglovin' Collective :)

  7. Wonderful!! I'm visiting via Sincerely Paula's Weekend Hop and am your newest Follower :)

    I also Host a WW Linky if you're interested in joining me each week..

    Have a Great Weekend!

    ~ Jill

  8. Hi Lovely, I'm your newest follower from blog hop. Followed you via GFC & Bloglovin. Love your awesome blog!

    Feel free to drop by, follow & leave me a comment @


  9. She is adorable!! Congrats on monetizing your blog to pay for fun things for her!! Thanks for stopping by today!

  10. Hi, I used to be in dance. She looks beautiful! I heard about google reader, but not GFC. Bummer! Well I am a new follower on the Friday Friend hop on Pinterest! I'd love for you to check my blog out sometime! Have a great weekend!

    Heather from Mommy Only Has 2 Hands

  11. Love the costume and she wears it well!!

  12. Love her costume! It is really cool! And is there anything better than when the blog actually pays off?! ;) Best feeling! Stopping by from the SITS Saturday Sharefest.-The Dose Girls

  13. Great costume. I hope it all goes beautifully and she has a wonderful time.

    I couldn't get past the irony of the title "Banished Children" next to an ad about the Boy Scouts' ban on gays. Intentional or not, it made an impact on me.

    Happy Sharefest. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

    1. I'm not sure what you mean exactly. An ad on my site? I don't really control the ads Google puts on here so not sure & different ones come up

  14. Dancing- how wonderful! So many pluses to that art, not to mention the joy of dancing for the pure joy of it. Seems like your daughter truly falls into that category. Here from the Weekend Showcase; BB2U.

  15. Wonderful dancing and cute costume. I do the same, save so my kids can take classes. I have two competition cheerleaders and a musician.

  16. So pretty! Nice to see a girl following her heart and doing something she loves (and is good at doing). Dancing is such a beautiful way of expressing yourself too. I hope she appreciates all you do to help her with her dreams--not just the money part, but the time and effort it involves.

    1. Thanks. It is a lot of work but she really enjoys it, ever since she was 5 yrs old. I tried to visit your blog, but can not locate a link to it.

      Thanks for stopping by :)

    2. actually just found it through your YouTube acct.

  17. Happy SITS Day! Your daughter is beautiful. It's wonderful that you are able to allow her to follow her passion just by blogging. My children are too young for many activities but (even though I have boys) I'm secretly hoping one of them will want to do something fun like dance. Wishful thinking?

    1. Her dance studio has boys. Especially Hip hop classes they seem to like.

  18. I pray your daughter goes places with her ballet moves!
    Happy SITS day! Enjoy every moment!

  19. Your daughter is beautiful and I love her costume! Love that she is following her heart and her dreams. Happy SITS Day!

  20. She is fantastic, I was never that good at ballet :) Enjoy your SITS day!

  21. Glad you can make money to give your daughter those opportunities. Her smile says everything. Enjoy your SITS Day.

  22. Supporting your child's dreams. Nice. Enjoy your SITS Day!

  23. Thanks for sharing. My daughter would like to do ballet. Awesome job of supporting her, and cute costume.

    Blessings to the both of you, may she reach her dreams.


  24. I love that the costume offers coverage. I've had to remove my girls from a class because they made them wear such skimpy costumes!

    1. Yes, this school she's in seems to not get to racy with any of the costumes :)

  25. I love that the costume provides "coverage". I've had to remove my girls from a few classes bc I felt the costumes were way too skimpy!

  26. My family is moving and my daughter is interested in ballet as well. Looking at your daughter's costume makes me very excited for when it's my turn to see my baby all dressed up! I'm visiting from SITS

  27. My daughter takes dance as well. I love all the costumes and routines the teachers come up with. That is certainly not my forte!

  28. It is great that you can use your blog money to support your daughter's dance fever! Dance classes and costumes can get very,very expensive!

    1. Yes it's hard to believe they want $80 per costume!

  29. Ooooh, I wish I could get my daughter in a good dance class where I'm at. Happy SITS day!
