
Monday, December 31, 2012

Ateevia Botanica's PRIME Anti-Inflammatory Cream Review/Giveaway

Hey everyone, I have a cool review/giveaway for you. It is from the company Here is some product information for you.

Product Description

You will notice that Ateevia's PRIME looks, feels and smells unique. 
Simply massage PRIME into your skin over the affected area 2 to 3 times daily, 
or more often if you perceive a need. Again, there are no side effects 
and the formula cannot hurt you. For best results apply in the morning and at bedtime.

My take on the item:

I have had neck pain off and on all my life. I'm always wanting a neck massage. 
Sometimes it is worse then other times. A few times lately I wake up and 
I can not even move my neck. I feel like I've been in a car wreck or something. 

So when I was given the chance to review the Ateevia product, I thought I would
give it a try. I have been using it in the morning and at night, and it really has 
helped with my neck pain. It is also a lot different then other creams I have tried. 
Here is a picture of some I put on my hand:

I noticed that with in an hour after each use, my pain was decreased. 
The cream is a brown color, and doesn't have much scent & it really rubs
 in smoothly.

For more information Visit and find them on Facebook

Buy it: Visit to purchase for $19.99

Win it: one reader will win a 2.5 oz bottle of Ateevia PRIME

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good
for my readers.


  1. I have won two pain relief creams so far in giveaways and haven't received either one!! LOL

    so I kind of want to try it..;)

  2. i want to see if it will help my hubs knees debbie jackson
    djackson1958 at hotmail dot com

  3. I have carpal tunnel, fibromyalgia and neuropathy, would love to try it.

  4. I have RA and want to see if this helps.
    Happy New Year!
    Thanks for the contest.

    slehan at juno dot com

  5. i have lupus and so have a lot of inflammation; i'd love to find something that works other than pain pills... thanks!

  6. I could not wait so I went on the website and bought a tube for only $20. Its great !!! Very effective and smooth to use. Highly recommended. worth every penny.

  7. I'd love to give it to my mom; she'd really appreciate it!

  8. I'd like to win this for my cousin who frequently suffers from pain in her fingers and her neck.

  9. I would love to try this product. It sounds great and its natural too! I don't like to take medications and would like to find something natural to relieve pain.

  10. I would like to win this to help with pain in my hands.

  11. I'd like to win for my various aches and pains.

  12. I would love to win for my lower back pain!! :)

  13. I have a lot of pain in my hips, mid back and neck :(. Would love to try something non-toxic that works.

  14. I have carpal tunnel..would love to try it

  15. I have arthritis in my hands. This would rock

    rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com

  16. I think this cream would get alot of mileage in our household. I often have a sore shoulder and back. Our youngest son is very athletic and during the winter one can find him on a hill or mountain snowboarding. He has had his fair share of aching bones. Our oldest often complains regarding a sore back. Thanks for sponsoring this giveaway and for the opportunity to participate.

  17. I'd like to try it out for my recently dislocated left shoulder! :-(

  18. my dad feet hurt him all day- i would give it to him
    tcogbill at live dot com

  19. I have sever arthritis in my knees, spine, hands and one hip. I am in pain every minute of everyday and it would be nice to find something that might easy the pain a little.

  20. i would like to win this for my dads back and neck pains

  21. My husband works construction and is always in pain due to inflamation from a joint that he injured. I would love to win this to help him feel better.

  22. i have a lot of neck and knee pain, i would love to win this to see if it would help!

  23. this would help my son after he pitches

  24. Looking for more natural ways to relieve pain.

  25. I suffer from chronic pain and I am always looking for other new ways to fight pain.

  26. I have lots of pain in my joints and would like a natural way to relieve it.

  27. I want to win this for my Hubby.

  28. my hubby could use it
    vmkids3 at msn dot com
