
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

WW - An Interesting Trip - (trying Linky this week)

We had an interesting trip to visit the family back in Massachusetts, a few weeks ago. Without boring you with the family drama, (of let's just say crazy relatives - literally and other things that happened) - here is a few pictures. I will try to post more soon.

Train ride - was ok - but Very long!

One fun thing we did was make a sock monkey. My mother, my daughter and I made it -  it was a group effort. It came out kinda cute:

Feed some goats:

Also celebrated my son's 16th Birthday!

More pictures to come soon!


  1. You made it a really fun time! I'm glad, and the sock monkey really DID come out cute!

  2. Neat pix to preserve family memories. Oh what would a family trip be without a little drama. LOL!!

  3. You are not old enough to have a 16 year old! LOL Happy Birthday to him. The sock monkey turned out cute. My sisters and I try to do some sort of project when we get together.

  4. I like riding on trains. Glad you made it back without too much drama. Happy 16th to your son.

  5. The sock monkey looks adorable!! and all family events are bound to not be perfect but its the effort right? Great pictures! thanks for sharing :)

    Liz Ticona
