
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

WW - Now I want to go fishing

We went to a certain "Pro" shop to look around. We had never been to one, because there weren't any where we used to live.

It was somewhat of a drive, but we wanted to look around and maybe pick up a fishing rod. They had a e 23,000 gallon fresh water aquarium. It holds the state winning catfish - (which was huge - looked even bigger in real life).

(c) stay at home mom

Here's my daughter on a four wheeler.

(c) stay at home mom

The store was cool - and I would love to have bought more (we did get a fishing rod for my daughter.) But the one thing that did turn me off - was an employee there - tried to sell us a vacation at a time share! At first we thought he was just being nice - making small talk - next thing you know he is pitching us a whole vacation. Seemed kinda weird, and didn't expect that. I thought it was unnecessary - when you just want to look around at a sporting goods store! (I guess it's part of a thing they have there. - vacation spots?)


  1. She looks so small on that! And the sales pitch would have turned me off big time too!

  2. I absolutely hate pushy salespeople. On the phone I can easily say no thank you, but in person it would be harder.


    1. we just stood there listening and my husband kept saying we'll have to pass, no thanks, but this guy kept talking - it was kinda awkward.

  3. That is so weird that an employee did that! I've only been there once, hubby loves it there (of course lol). I'm not fond of pushy sales people either. Thanks for linking up!


    1. I guess they have guys that just stand around waiting for unsuspecting people to push their time shares on - lol

  4. That's odd!! We LOVE Bass Pro and are going this weekend!

    1. stay away from the sales people. they may try to sell you a vacation - lol

  5. Wow, that is rude. But, I agree - so ready to go fishing! Great photos!
