
Monday, March 26, 2012

Miracle Grow Giveaway

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Scotts® for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.


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I love planting tomatoes! I think I can start sometime very soon to do that. This year I think my husband and I are going to plant them in pots, instead of directly in the ground. We will see how that works. I also am really excited to try the new Miracle Grow - called Expand ‘n Gro™.

Watch this video to learn more:

This looks so cool! And I think it could really help out my tomatoes this year. It will expand up to 3 times when water is added to it. And will feed my plants for up to 6 months! I think I will have some awesome tomatoes this year! I can't wait!

It says I should get 3 times the vegetables or flowers then with regular soil! Wow that is so cool, and it will also improve your soil for multiple years. And the all natural fibers hold up to 50% more water then basic potting soil. 

Don't you want to try this? Are you going to plant a garden this year? Let me know in the comments if you would like to win a sample of this. I will be receiving a sample of this and would like to pass it on to one lucky person who leaves me a comment. 

You can purchase Expand n' Gro at many lawn and garden retailers or check Amazon too!

*I will be receiving a small sample to giveaway*

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  1. I would love to try this. I'd love to have bigger roses!

  2. my hubby is planting a garden- he has all the tomoatoe plants in a pot right now
    tcogbill at live dot com

  3. I would love to use this in my kids garden :)

  4. I would like to try Miracle Gro Expand n Grow.

    We will be growing. Strawberries, corn, tomatos, peppers, peas, pumpkins, lettuce and cucumbers.

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  5. I would love this for the garden we are starting this year

  6. i would love to have this for my flower pots

  7. I'd love to give this a try!
    michedt at yahoo dot com

  8. i would love to give this a try and i really appreciate the giveaway!!!

  9. I would love to win a sample of this! Maybe my garden will do better this year!
    ptavernie at yahoo dot com

  10. I have already planted a blueberry bush, tomatoes, and peas. I have a black thumb so this stuff would help!

  11. I could use any help I can get. My Green Thumb is more of a kiss of death!

  12. I'd love to use this in my gardening this year.
