Wednesday, November 17, 2010

WW #130 "Another Veteran's Day Parade"

You've probably seen similar pics on here from past Veteran's Day Parades, but once again my daughter marched in last weeks parade.

I was so busy looking at my son's High School band (not like he's in it or anything)
(c) stay at home mom

That I almost missed my daughter's Girl Scout Troop - who were marching right behind it. Here's some shots, my daughter's the one carrying the big flag (not very good - to far away I guess)

(c) Stay at home mom
(c) Stay at home mom

 Also her big brother doesn't march in the parade, but twice a year is in the sidelines cheering her on. On a cold and windy day. Here's a picture of the two of them after the parade.

(c) Stay at home mom

Visit Wordless Wednesday , Parenting by Dummies, & 5 minutes for Mom for more participants.


  1. I'm a retired/reformed former band mom. It does get addictive :)

    Have a great day!

  2. Looks like it was a great time.

  3. My hubby was in the marching band and I hope that my kids will follow suit. When they get a little older. :)

  4. Looks like you guys had a wonderful time. Even though it's cold. There was a crazy wind here too.I have no idea where my garbage can lids have gone.
    Great pics!
