
Friday, September 24, 2010

Alhoa Friday & Friday Blog Hops

An Island Life hosts this meme. Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.

My Question: Have you or anyone in your family had to travel for their job?

My Answer: The company my husband works for owns another company in California. He had to go out there again for the third time to train some people. That's all the way across the country for us. I'm a wimp and really miss him, luckily he'll be home around 1 am! (technically Saturday.)

Friday Blog Hops:

New Friend Fridays

badgeMy Wee View


  1. Occassionally but not this week. We've had a great week together and are looking forward to a weekend of apple picking.

    Visiting from NFF...

  2. Hi found your blog via blog hop! Can't wait to catch up later tonight when the kids are in bed. For now I'm just passing through and networking with other bloggy friends!
    Hope you can visit me and follow back

  3. I totally understand you missing him my husband has refused jobs because he doesn't want to be away from us and I am so glad I would have a hard time if he was gone days at a time.

  4. No nother big. A new venture that I am a part of may have travel opportunities. Still trying to figure out how that will work with the kids.

  5. I did have to travel a lot for a former job - I kind of miss the travel aspect since I do love to travel. :)

    Aloha: Nicknames

  6. My hubs works for a company that has major offices in Denver so he's there all the time. We're in Ottawa, Canada so it's a far trek and no fun for us at all so I know how you feel!

  7. My husband travels for his job a couple times a year :)

  8. I have and I hate it :)

    Have a great Friday!

  9. hubby works at a military academy.
    there's almost no traveling except if the cadets have field trips. he doesn't even have to drive to work since we live in the campus.

  10. Following from Fun Follow Friday!

  11. We have been fortunate enough that my husband does not have to travel for his job. I hate being in the house "alone" with 2 babies (not because I don't like being alone with them, I just feel so unprotected). Heck! When he goes hunting, I treck it up to WY to stay with my parents. ;) lol

  12. That is a very long way to go for work.

  13. Hi Sue!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and visiting the Follow Friday 40 and Over Blog Hop!

    I am now following you. Please follow me if you haven't already done so!!

    I would also like to invite you to join the Over 40 Bloggers Club!! Take a look and join in the fun!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  14. not me...
    but hubby is military. so he was recently in afghanistan... kinda far from home :(
