
Monday, August 30, 2010

Need A New Kitchen Table

On top of needing a new refrigerator, as I mentioned the other day, I would also really love a new kitchen table. So which of these kitchen tables do you like best?


or #3

These are all really different styles. I like them all. Hard to pick just one. Which one is your favorite?


  1. I like #3, I think! I wouldn't like it if the kids were still little though.

  2. I also love all 3 styles. LOL.
    But I will have to go with #2!

  3. I like No. 2

    Just stopping by to say 'Hi'
    Tomi from

  4. I don't need a new kitchen table right now but I would say#3 Very nice!

  5. I like #3. But that's because I had one just like it. :) Totally my taste.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma What's For Dinner

  6. Do NOT get 3. We have something similar and with three kids those chairs don't hold up. The kids step on those wood pieces to get themselves up in the chair and they break ALL the time. Avoid it and go with something else more kid friendly.

  7. I want a table like #1 for my kitchen but I think #2 is the prettiest.

  8. Tough choices with very different styles and purposes. #1 seems practical and would love it it the benches were on either side so it's easier in and out -- to closed in for me. #2 is very pretty but the beige seats with kids might be an issue - easy to resolve with darker seat covers. #3 I like it a lot, however I have to agree that the spindles across the bottom can get torn up by kids and adults who rest their feet on them. Because their high (which is why I love this set) there's no place for feet to rest. However, I have several friends with the high table and chair set and they each have 3 and 4 kids and have reported no major issues that couldn't be easily fixed.

    My vote: #3

  9. I really like #3. I think it's the color that gets my attention as well as the style. :)
