
Saturday, April 3, 2010

Camera Critters!

Yesterday around 6:00 p.m., my daughter who was playing in our back yard came running in the house. She was like, "Mommy, come quick. There is a really weird bird in the neighbor's back yard."

I ran out there, thinking I was just going to see a Cardinal or something. Imagine my surprise when this is what I saw:

I had her run back in the house to get my camera. I leaned over our fence and snapped a bunch of pictures. These two came out the best. I then talked to my neighbor who said the bird had been there since about 11 am.

Since then I atctually listed this on Craigslist as a 'found bird.' I have gotten a few replies telling me it is a kind of "Golden Pheasant." And that it is definately someone's pet bird that probably got loose. This is not a 'wild bird.' Or at least I don't think it is? Anyone have any ideas on what this bird is?

No signs of it this morning though. If it shows up today, either I or my neighbor, I think should call animal control.

My first time doing Camera Critters in quite a while. They turn 2 today!


  1. WOW! The colors are amazing. I think it is some sort of pheasant, but not sure. Happy Critter Day!

  2. I have no idea what kind of bird this is, I am still trying to figure out the very ordinary ones that I regretfully did not pay much attention to. :) How beautiful though. I sure hope the owner shows up!

  3. Wow, that is an incredible bird! I can't believe how colorful it is and how shocked you must have been to see it. Hopefully someone sees your ad and comes to claim it.

  4. Looks like he was involved in an accident in a paint factory. He's not one for blending in.

  5. Wow. What a beautiful bird!

    I have no idea what it's called though.

  6. I am also your new follower :)

    Thank you for visiting with me.

  7. Beautiful bird. Looks like a pheasant. Great shot.

    My entry

  8. its colors are beautiful.

    i like your layout, Sue and your background. happy easter!

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  9. Wow, that really is a beautiful bird! I hope it can find its owners again and vice-versa.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  10. What a gorgeous bird!
    At first glance I thought pheasant but I don't think so. It is beautiful. That colorful it would hard for it to stay away from predators. Hope you are able to help with a rescue.

  11. I think it is a golden pheasant - I have seen these in the zoo.
    A LOVELY bird!

    And thanks for stopping by my CC submission for this week!

  12. Amazing Bird! I hope that its owners find him! New to the blog, found you on SITS BlogFrog! Glad I did!

  13. Wow, that is so cool. I've never seen one. I hope he finds his way home.

  14. That was great. Thanks for sharing!

    I have a linky party going on where you can enter a post about anything you want to share with others. I would love it if you entered this one!

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