
Friday, January 15, 2010

Aloha Friday #15

An Island Life hosts this meme. Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.

My question: Do you use hand sanitizer?

My answer: Yes. More and more lately. Ever since the H1N1 scare I have been using it more. I carry one in my pocket book and am paranoid about touching shopping carts, etc. So I use it after I go shopping. I even find myself wiping off the cart handles now with wipes they provide. Better safe then sorry. :)


  1. Nope! it is very rare but I do carry it on my diaper bag just in case I don't find a place to wash my hands!
    Have an Awesome Friday!

  2. No, I use to but one of the problems with it is, it can dry out the skin and the sanitizer is not proven to work any better than washing with soup and water.
    Here's my Aloha Friday link for you

  3. I do if I have it handy (no pun intended). I wash my hands all the time during the day however. Happy Friday!

  4. I do and my 2 year old loves hand sanitizer. She will bring it to me and ask for more, so cute!

  5. Sometimes. If I'm away from home and need to clean my hands I might use it. But usually I don't. Good old soap and water is good enough.

  6. Yes, we have a bottle on our kitchen counter that the kids use frequently. I also carry a bottle in my purse and we use it whenever we are out and the kids are going to be eating.

  7. No I do not. I have terrible excema and it rips my hands to shreds.

  8. Yes I used them, especially when on the road, store, library etc.

  9. We use it all the time!

    I'm a new follower from "Friday Follow"! Love for you to come visit me!

    Have a great weekend :0)

  10. Hopping over from Follow Friday
    Have a GREAT weekend
    Valerie @ walkininsunshine

  11. Do I ever?! Haha. I have hand sanitizer everywhere...

    If you have time, come check out My Aloha Friday. Have a great weekend!

  12. Just wanted to stop by and say hello. I am participating in the Friday Follow event. Looking forward to reading your blog.

  13. Sometimes I do. I do wipe off shopping carts though. So many germs touch those carts. BLECK.

  14. I don't really like hand sanitizer...but I definitely wash my hands often :)

  15. Every time I leave the house!

  16. while I prefer soap and water, with a toddler, I don't take chances so we use hand sanitizer away from home!! :-)

  17. I mainly use it at work. I handle paperwork that has passed through many hands. It freaks me out, so I use it several times a day.

  18. I am a new follower via Follow Friday. I can't wait to read more of your blog!
    Come visit me here!

  19. I wash my hands, and sometimes I use the wipes. Sanitizer sometimes if I see it in places, but I've never actually bought it. I'm your latest follower. Hope you can find time to do the same.
