I received a package yesterday. I love getting packages in the mail. Look at what I got:
Can you see what it is? It is a really cute Turkey hat from IZEA and some Tofurky and Gravy Jones Soda . Fun!
My kids where very excited about the hat. When my son got home from school he tried it on:
Here he is trying the soda:
My husband and I asked him how it tasted. He said pretty good, he actually really liked it. We were curious for ourselves, so we each took a sip of it. I have to say it is very interesting flavor. It really does taste like Turkey & Gravy.
My husband should look for it for his friend, he'd probably get a real kick out of it. Especially if he is a vegetarian, because Tofurky and Gravy Jones Soda, is perfect for vegetarians, who want some turkey on Thanksgiving. Because it tastes like it but doesn't contain any real turkey in it.
Of course when my daughter got home from her Girl Scout meeting later, she wanted to try on the turkey hat. With out even realizing it, for a few seconds I had her on video.
My husband and I even tried it on, but I didn't get pictures of that (lol). I have a feeling they are going to be fighting over who wears this hat on Thanksgiving!

I love that HAT!!!!