Did you know that September is National Recovery month? This is an annual event that promotes the benefits of substance and alcohol treatment. It applauds the contributions of treatment providers.
National Recovery month also supports the belief that recovery from substance abuse in all its forms is possible. Also, each September thousands of treatment programs around the country share their successes with the public in an effort to educate people about treatment and how it works.
It also serves to bring to people's attention that substance abuse is a national health crisis. And that addiction is a disease, but that it can be treated and recovery is possible.
If you are looking for help with treatment to an addiction then that is where one of top recovery sites on the web comes in. It is called InTheRooms. They are founded on the 12-step principles.
In The Rooms allows its members to feel safe and welcome in a friendly environment. They can also feel secure in their privacy. In The Rooms keeps the integrity of these principles and traditions, and in doing so members will be able to reach out. Members will be able to reach out to one another across the world 24/7. And they will be able to share their experiences, give strength to others and also receive hope.
If you would like more information on National Recovery Month or In The Rooms, please visit their websites.

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