Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wordless Wednesday 58 "Junior Girl Scout"

In a ceremony last Thursday my daughter became a Junior Girl Scout. Here's a picture of her as a Brownie.

This is a picture of her crossing a "Bridge." Because it is called "Bridging" when you go from Brownies to Junior Girl Scouts.

And here she is an official Junior Girl Scout.

Visit Momdot, Wordless Wednesday , 5 minutes for Mom, Wordful Wednesday & Mostly Wordless Wednesday at Ordinary and Awesome for more participants.


  1. Very cool. I remember when I bridged. It doesn't seem that long ago but it was.

  2. As a Girl Scout Leader, Congratulation to your daughter, Juniors are fun!!

  3. Congratulations to her!!! I cant wait to get my daughter into Brownies!

  4. Congratulations! She looks so proud of herself.

  5. Ah. This brings back memories of my ceremony. Congrats to her! She looks so very proud.

    Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

  6. Congratulations! She is beautiful and growing up fast. Have a wonderful day!

  7. She looks very proud! Congrats!

  8. I used to be in the Girl Scouts when I was her age too! Cool! :D

  9. Congratulations to her... Look at that smile.. Bet you are so proud of her

  10. You must be so proud! Congrats!!

  11. Congrats!! She certainly did look happy to be on the other side of the bridge wearing her new vest! Way to go!

  12. How fun! Congrats to your little girl. She makes a super cute Junior Girl Scout!

    I have a linky up for WW here -

    Happy WW!!

  13. Congrats to yoru girl:) Enjoy the rest of the week:)

  14. Very cool! We moved and I dropped out of Brownies just after I "graduated" from Tweenies. I wished I could have continued. Congratulations to her! :)

  15. Thats so neat, She looks so proud . I hope you have agreat WW

  16. Congrats to her, she does look happy and proud. Thank you for stopping by my blog. That flower is of a plant that I thought was dying. I was surprised to see the flowers in various spots this morning, so I had to snap a couple of pics. I don't know what it is either. :( Thanks again, nice to 'meet' you! Have a great day!

  17. That is so exciting for her and for you Proud Mommy. Congrats to your daughter.

  18. Congratulations!! It brings back many memories:)

  19. I think Girl Scouts is a great program. Congratulations to your daughter! She is too pretty; love her hair!

  20. wow....that takes me girls in scouts and as a young girl my self (in scouts).

    Have a beautiful day.

  21. How exciting! I always wanted to be in brownies but my mom wouldn't let me. My son is starting boy scouts tonight. I feel old!!

  22. Congrats! I hope she has a fabulous time as a junior.

  23. Congratulations to your daughter! I remember Brownies and Girl Scouts being alot of fun!

  24. Thanks for stopping by earlier. What a milestone. I remember well the pride I felt in leaving Brownies behind and becoming a full-fledged GS. I wish I'd stuck with it longer!

  25. Omigosh! I could have sworn I was Following you but I don't see me on your List!
    I am following you NOW!

  26. Congrats to her! I was a Girl Scout for 10 years!

  27. Thanks for the comment! I love the idea of the 'bridging' kudos to her! Everyone is graduating these days huh?? From my preschooler to my 6th grader !ahhh!

  28. congratulations to her! she looks so happy!

  29. how exciting!! congrats!!

    my ww's:

  30. I never did Girl scouts but it looks like fun! Congratulations to your daughter for her achievement!

  31. Hi Sue,
    I wish your daughter lots of fun with being a Junior Girl Scout. I enjoyed her pictures, she looks so proud. :-)

  32. Congrats on your daughter. Pretty she is :) Aloha

  33. AWwww! Congrats to her! I was a junior girl scout and my daughter is a Daisy. I love the Girl Scouts and think it's a wonderful organization girls. Happy WW!

  34. i remember doing that soooo many years ago!

  35. Congrats to your daughter. This is Brookster's first year as a Brownie and she is really liking it.

    Wanted to let you know that you were the winner in the 8 Simple Rules DVD giveaway I had on my blog. I sent you an e-mail but wanted to let you know here also.

  36. Congratulations to your daughter! We still have my daughter's Brownie vest.

    Thank you for visiting my photo blog.

  37. Yahoo!! How fun!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog today! You have a beautiful blog here!!

  38. Congratulations! I seem to recall jumping over some kind of fake pond made from aluminum foil. Does that sound familiar?

  39. pretty exciting - glad she doesn't have to go thru that strange boy scout in the dark thing... all rainbows :)

  40. What darling pictures; your daughter with surely enjoy these when she is grown up.

  41. She must be so proud! I did Girl Scouts for just one year. Though I want my daughter to do Brownies.

  42. wow that is so cool, congrats to your daughter. I always wished I had been a girl scout!

  43. Aww.. so many wonderful grad pics on blogs today. I now really am decided I wanna have a kid before I get 30. LOL I'm not getting any younger! haha...

    Passing by from June Comments challenge...

  44. Aaaw! That's wonderful! I wish I was a Brownie. I wanted to be, of course, my mom was like, "No". There went that dream. ;-)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

  45. congrats to your sweet girl, she looks so happy and i am sure you are so proud :)

  46. How exciting for your daughter!
    In California, some of the troops make a trip to San Francisco and walk across the Golden Gate Bridge there. Its a long walk, but the girls have earned it.

  47. She looks so happy! I love all the "formal" ceremonies the scouts do!

  48. Congrats that's really cool. Now I'm craving girl scout cookies...

  49. I used to be in the Girl Scouts when I was a little girl. Brings back fond memories! What a sweet girl you have! I bet she was so proud to graduate from the Brownies! Happy WW!:)

  50. Congrats to her! I remember crossing the bridge to Juniors, but our bridge was teeny!

  51. Great pictures! Your daughter looks happy. Thanks for visiting my blog for WW and sorry I'm late getting here to visit :)
