Well I had taken a picture of the package and a t-shirt I had gotten. But unfortunately I didn't snap a picture of the BluFrog at the time. So I don't have that to share with you now. But I received two cans of BluFrog Energy Drink.
I tried one after it chilled in the fridge for awhile, and it tasted great! My husband actually brought the other can to work. He gave it to someone he works with, a man there that really loves energy drinks. He tried it, and said he really liked it. It gave him a boost of energy to keep working.
BluFrog is different from other energy drinks too, because it is filled with loads of vitamins. Some of the vitamins in it, for example are, B1, B12, Folate, and many more. It also contains real fruit, and has lower carbs and calories, then a lot of other energy drinks do.
BluFrog is also having a really cool contest going on right now. Check their website for more information on how to enter. Do it now! Because the prizes include a trip for 2, there are 4 different locations for the trips. You could also win a game package that includes an XBox360 Elite Gaming system, with some other loot included too.
So check out BluFrog for more details on the contest, and how you can get a hold of some of this awesome energy drink.

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