
Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday Thirteen #24 "Things Mothers Really Want for Mother's Day"

Header by samulli

Here are thirteen things mothers really want for Mother's Day, but probably won't get. I think mothers would like these, at least for one day - on Mother's Day!

1. Sleep. Any kind of sleep. Sleep in, naps, go to bed early.

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2. Somebody else to do the cooking.
3. Somebody else to to the dishes
4. Somebody else to to the laundry
5. Somebody else to to the vacuuming

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6. Somedody else to to the grocery shopping
7. To be able to watch whatever shows they want to watch.
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8. Not to have to entertain the kids.
9. Not to have to make the beds.
10. Not to have to discipline the kids.
11. To have someone else drive the kids to dance class, troop meetings, etc.
12. To have someone else take care of the pets. Feeding, walking, cleaning litterbox, etc.
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13. To basically do nothing for at least one day!

Hope everyone has a happy Mother's Day, no matter what you do or receive!

Go here: Thursday Thirteen to play too!


  1. I think they should have Mother's Day, once a month LOL Happy T13!

  2. I think those are reasonable request. I am retired so I help out as much as my wife will let me.
    Thanks for visiting Grampys place.

  3. ohh i want to have the tv all by myself!!! and the number 13 is the winner!!!

  4. I hope you get some of those all would be cool though--for a little while:)

  5. I would love all of those things especially more sleep!

  6. Wow - what's not to love about that list! :) Happy Mother's Day!

  7. Sounds like heaven! My hubby actually takes my son to visit Grandpa & Grandma a couple of weekends each year, and that is the best gift ever. :)

  8. great list!! i'd also add the house to herself!

  9. So you mean they want to be treated like fathers?

    Happy TT.

  10. Great list! I love it! I'm not a mom, but I know my mom would want all of that.

  11. Sounds like what you need is a WIFE. :)

  12. I have got to print this out and stick it under my dh's nose.

  13. Don't we all need more sleep and help with doing the housechores? LOL. I know I do. :)

    Hope you can check out Hip Mama's Place for the fun and fab Mother's Day Giveaway Event! Thanks! :)

  14. Happy mothers day to you too. I would love all the above. Especially sleep. I miss those days that I use to sleep in. Wonderful TT. I enjoyed this one. Thanks for stopping by and for your sweet comment.

  15. Happy Mother's Day!

    Me, all I want is to bike riding, but it's not going to happen. *sigh*

  16. I hope you have the Mother's Day you wish for! Great list.

  17. Thanks for stopping by, I can totally agree with most of the things on your list, I'd like most of them too! Hope you have a great mother's day!!

  18. No kidding! I hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  19. That is so great, now I must email this to all my children! The whole have "somebody else" section speaks to me!

  20. Great post! We can always dream, right?

    I am looking forward to a little extra love and pamper on Sunday--my boys are very good to me.

  21. Wonderful topic for today. I suspect many moms will print this out and post it in plain sight ... just because ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,

  22. I am lucky I am a retired mom, lol ! I can sleep as long as I wish !

  23. LOL! OK, OK!!! I get the hint!! I'm going to make sure my mum has a wonderfully relaxed Mother's Day! =)

  24. Hi Sue,
    Excellent list for Mother's Day wishes. Wishing you a wonderful & fun Mother's Day with your family! :-)

  25. It's as if you're reading my mind SUe!

    I guess some mothers are graduates of sleepless nights and tiresome days...

  26. Great List!! I told my girls it is Mother's Month!! They didn't buy it.

  27. Interesting list. I would love to take all these off my mother for a day, but I find that it would be mid life crisis if I ever did. My mother has grown too fond of her tasks over the years, but she does like it when I do alleviate some of the tasks. There are others that I feel she doesn't want me to go anywhere near, as its those things that are very dear to her.

  28. Actually, even those of us without kids wish for half these things -- here's hoping you at least get to sleep in, or get a nice meal. Happy Mother's Day!

  29. Hope you had a very Happy Mother's Day! :)
