Monday, May 11, 2009

Mellow Yellow - #4

While on a walk around my neighborhood I spotted this beautiful bush, with yellow flowers on it. I didn't have my camera with me, but went back the next day to get some pictures. I always feel a little weird doing that outside someone's house, but Oh Well.

This a close up, of some of the flowers. Not sure what they are called.

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  1. I'm so glad that you went back!

  2. That was such a beautiful bush and it is blooming so fully. Thank you for sharing the photo.

  3. Very Pretty! I know what you mean about taking shots of other people's things. I always feel like I should be asking permission but I never do, LOL! Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  4. Nice shots...It is a beautiful yellow bush...I like the little slice of blue sky in the first shot...very pretty...

  5. Pretty. They look like butter cups. When I was a kids holding a butter cup to your chin with your friends so we could see the yellow on our face meant something, I just can't remember what.

  6. BTW...Kite Runner is a book that will stay with you forever.

  7. Hi there.
    I'm just stopping by to see hour your comment challenge is going.479 is pretty good!
    Have a great week!

  8. That's a wonderful blast of yellow. Thanks for visiting Prattle. Mellow Yellow Monday is a great way to meet new bloggers.

  9. That looks like some type of rose bush. It's gorgeous, I wish I had one.

  10. Beautiful!! I will take pictures of flowers in other peoples yards and feel weird about it too. I will take the picture so fast just to get out of there and hope that when I view the photos later that they are not blurred.

  11. Beautiful nonetheless. I am just like you too. I always bring my camera with me. Each time I see flowers, I would pickpocket my little cam and give the silent shutter some tender push. Like you also, I don't know most of the names of the flowers here because I've never seen them before. Eventually, we'll both get there. You have adorable kids.

    Thanks for the visit.

  12. I'm not sure what those are either but they are very pretty. I can see why you went back with the camera. :-)

  13. That's a pretty sight to brighten your day! Great shots!

  14. Those are some very sunny blossoms. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  15. Nice Picture! Good luck to your 1000 comment challenge!

    Your Daily Word

  16. We have these yellow flowers too here in finland in gardens in summer. It is called Yellow balls in Finnish.

    Thank you so much for your comment in my blog :)

  17. They're very pretty!

    No Sue, that photo was taken from a park. Thanks for visiting mine. :) Happy MYM!

  18. witam , pierwszy raz widzę takie kwiaty, ładne, pozdrawiam :)

  19. I feel a bit uncomfortable sometimes too, I always think I must look suspicious LOL

    the flowers are beautiful

  20. Love those bright yellow flowers...sorry I don't what they are called either! When we were kids, we held buttercups under our chins to see if we like butter or not! LOL! I'm new to Mellow Yellow Monday and enjoying it very much - now looking everywhere for yellow!

    Best Wishes,

  21. I got the flower book out. It looks like some kind of rose. The leaves and the stems. But I could not find it in the book. But it sure is pretty.
    Thanks for visiting Grampys place.

  22. Darn, I was hoping someone would know and comment.... lovely flowers.
    I think you'll have to buck up the courage and go back - again - and ask the owners. Maybe they'll even give you a cutting!

  23. What beautiful shades of orange and yellow !!

    I usually carry my small digital around with me an quite often I have my 35mm film SLR slung over my shoulder..

    Today went out and saw plent of opportunities for MYM shots and didn't have either camera with me...figures !! :-)

  24. I don't know what they are either, but they're BEAUTIFUL. I relate to your mixed feelings about photographing things in the neighborhood, but sometimes it's hard to resist.
    Hugs and blessings,

  25. Lovely flowers. I like the close shot.

  26. Very pretty I have a thing for yellow flowers! I'm following you from MBC 1oo club and I see your past that now COngrats!

  27. Nice shot, you capture the yellow...ish bushes.
    Belated Happy Mothers Day!

  28. It was worth going back! Wonderful color.

  29. Wow! Those are pretty! I don't know what they are either - but they're pretty!

  30. Those flowers are so pretty! I have something for you!

  31. lol the things we do for our memes!!! ;)

  32. Beautiful yellow flowers. I have been known to take photos around my neighborhood :) I figured they see a camera in my hand and it will be okay, hopefully anyhow. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog.

  33. Those are beautiful yellow flowers! I always ask permission when taking pictures in my neighborhood properties. Thanks for the comment.

  34. I do that a lot in my neighbourhood and sometimes I wonder if I should knock on the door and ask first... but I never do :)

