Next month would actually be a great time to go. Because opening in about 23 days is a their newest attraction. It is called Manta. This ride looks like it will be an awesome roller coaster! On it you will spin, glide, and fly like a giant ray. It is the only roller coaster of its kind in the World.
It's a blend of up close animal encounters with a head-first, face-down thrill ride. And it is only at SeaWorld.
And now SeaWorld is having a contest. You could win a "Front of the Line" pass. You will be able to ride Manta easily by getting right on the ride. And it is easy to enter the contest. There are only 6 steps to enter. First click the link above to register for an account. Then either get a Twitter account or use your existing Twitter account and follow @RealShamu.
Next find answers to the Manta quiz on the website. Correctly answer 5 questions to the quiz. Be careful though, because you only get three chances. Upon completion you will receive an email from them. If you complete all six of the activities on the site, you'll go straight to the front of the line when you earn Manta "Front-of-the-line" pass at SeaWorld Orlando.

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