
Monday, March 16, 2009

Not Me Monday

This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I did not take my daughter to the book store to get a sticker book (with her birthday money). And half way home she did not start crying because one of the stickers was missing. It was a Littlest Pet Shop sticker book Volume II no less. And my husband did not return it the next day and come home with a Volume III sticker book, because that's all they had left. I did not tell him he better go try to find a Volume II sticker book, because she would freak out when she got home from school. He did not then drive to a different store to find Volume II. No that would be crazy.

I did not wait until Friday to start cleaning my house, because my mother was coming Saturday. I did not go to the movies Friday night instead of finishing cleaning the TV room. I did not then have to get up at 7:30 am on Saturday to finish cleaning. I did not then just take the remaining toys, books, crayons, etc. and then stuff them all in trash bags. I did not then shove the trash bags, and various other stuff in my bedroom. When my mother left I did not then bring the trash bags and other stuff back into the TV room. No not me!


  1. LOL!! The things we do to make our kids happy! :)

  2. Been there..not me either. LOL.

  3. Isn't it funny the things we do to keep the peace! lol. Great No Me Monday!

  4. That story reminded me of my daughter! Don't you feel like you are tip-toeing around an angry bear sometimes?

  5. Littlest Pet Shop can make girls do crazy things! Sounds like we have similar cleaning systems!

  6. Funny! Oh I can remember collecting stickers!!!
