
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Great Sale Going on at Sears

There is a great sale going on now at Sears. It is a clearance on Sears apparel. From now until April 18th, Sears is offering 75-80% off original prices on fall and winter apparel.

This is a great opportunity to buy clothes at a great price. You can buy your clothes or your kids clothes for next year. This is a great way to save money, by getting the items you would need for next fall and winter now on clearance.

In addition Sears is offering a 15% off shopping pass, that can be used on regular, sale and clearance priced apparel, shoes and accessories. This is a great savings! I encourage you to click:
here, to print out this coupon that can be used this weekend. I may even print this out, since this sounds like such a great clearance sale.

I was considering getting some sneakers this weekend anyway. I really need some new ones. And if I could save on them, even better. Here's a picture of some I thought looked nice:

So, if you want to get in on a great clearance sale going on at Sears, get shopping! And don't forget to print out your coupon for an extra 15% off March 20-22nd. And this coupon can be used in stores and can also be used on Sears.comClick Here


  1. That is a great deal. I might have to check it out. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I like Sears and got some great maternity clothes there the last time I was preggers. The other day I went to the big one here and they no longer carried maternity...

  3. I will have to go check it out.
