Saturday, January 31, 2009

Top Entrecard Droppers for January

I'd like to thank all my Entrecard Droppers. Thanks to everyone from Entrecard for continuing to drop on me. Especially since I was without a computer for about a month, and literally did not do any return drops during that time. So I really appreciate my top droppers and the high number of drops on my blog, considering I was unable to reciprocate. And to all my other loyal droppers - Thanks!

Here's my Top 10 Droppers for January:

Top droppers on Entrecard

Mr Soleh’s Outburst 31

This is where I started to change my life, from a lonely Mr Soleh to a nice good looking one. I finally found that seeking a perfect life partner process is fun, adventurous and full of palpitation! :)
verITableLIFE 30

VerITableLIFE is a place to learn about technology and how it is being used; providing recommendations about technology and technology products.
On The Bricks 30

People, Places, Things, News, World happenings, weird stuff and sometimes just plain oh stupid and silly crap. Or just anything that I feel like posting. 30

Knowledge sharing in learning process is the purest satisfaction!
1 Blog and 2 Sides 30

A collection of favorite recipes that chilly and I have tried and taste great or ones we would like to try.
Programming Made Easy 30

Solutions, Functions and Search-&-Found Formulas That I Use in My Web Applications
Is 8 Enough? 30

Journal of our homeschool family's daily activities and general happenings.
Parental Instincts 30

Parenting tips and information from the father of two.
Online Games 29

Online Games, game guides and walkthroughs
Windmill on the Hill 28

the man of a thousand voices talking perfectly loud nobody ever hears him


  1. You're always welcome Sue.

    I noticed that I scored 28 days for drops. I missed only one day in the last 31 days and that was when I was in the Mountains on Jan 26th. Starbuck's WiFi was just plain hopeless where I was that night.


  2. I never knew you had an entrecard on your blog. I am on entrecard too. I have just dropped you. I am actually new to the whole thing, and am not sure how the whole thing works. I know it says I have a bunch of points/drops/credits/etc/ but I am not sure what I get for having them. LOL.

  3. I can never manage to drop everyday!

  4. Thanks so much for the "link love" on your blog. I always enjoy coming to visit your blog. I'm sorry this is late but I couldn't get on to do all of my drops yesterday since Entrecard was doing some maintenance.
    Again, thank you. Have a wonderful week.
