Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My Mom Has Osteoporosis

My Mom was diagnosed with osteoporosis about 10 years ago. She has a severe case of it. She has broken many bones in the past ten years. Including a bad break 10 years ago. That had her practically bed ridden for 3 or 4 months.

The most recent case was last Monday she fell down her cellar stairs. My sister called me later that night to tell me our mother broke her shoulder and at first they thought her ankle too. She went for another x-ray the following day. And they discovered she didn't break her ankle. She just severely bruised it and sprained it. But she did break her shoulder.

They said she will have to get an MRI to determine if she did damage to her rotary cuff. If she did she may need an operation. I hope that is not the case!

My poor mother! It is one thing after another with her. And she has not had the best of luck with her health the last 10 years. I was so upset about this last incident. I had planned on going down to visit her this past Sunday. But we ended up getting a pretty big snowstorm Saturday night. And it was still snowing Sunday morning.

There was even a 59 car pile up, you may have heard about in Derry, NH. Which is not to far from me. That is not they highway I would have been on. But after hearing that I decided not to risk traveling that day. My mother even called to say don't come. It wasn't worth the risk.

I also was thinking I do not want to get in an accident because I know it's not a good idea, but I have let my auto insurance slip. And am not insured right now. It is actually not a law in NH. You are not required by law to have auto insurance. I'm not sure what other states require, for example Alabama auto insurance may be required. But in NH it is not illegal not to have auto insurance. So let's just say I can't risk getting into an accident right now.

I plan on visiting my mother either this Saturday or Sunday. Of course that's weather permitting.


  1. Thanks for my gift! Sorry to hear about your Mom! I hope you make it to see and I hope she improves quickly!!!

  2. I hope your mother is getting better. Osteoporosis runs in my family as well. My mother and grandmother both have it and I am at high risk because I'm petite and it runs in my family. Not fun. My mother has broken a few bones too and my grandmother fell and broke her hip. I hope the weather is nice so you can go visit your mother.

  3. Oh, your poor mom. Falls happen more frequently as people age and unfortunately, bones get broken more easily. It's always a concern. I went through this falling thing with my dad. He fell frequently but only really was hurt twice--once when he broke his hip which healed completely and didn't give him any problem since and once when he cut his face right above his eye.

  4. Oh dear Sue,

    I am so terribly sorry and sad to hear of your mom's condition and mishaps.

    May God keep your Mom safe!

  5. I am sorry to hear about your Mom. I hope she is doing better soon. Have a safe trip to go see her.

  6. Since your mom has all ready been diagnosed, it's a very good idea for you to request a bone density test be done on you at your next doctor visit. It's a very simple test, no needles or anything.
    I am 47 and have sever oseopenia (one step away from osteoperosis). If I hadn't had the bone density test done at my request, we wouldn't have discovered it. It's treated the same way as osteoperosis and I'm hoping to stop it in its tracks!

  7. Hi Sue,
    I am sorry to hear about your mom falling down the cellar stairs and breaking her shoulder. That is terrible this happened to her. I wish her a speedy recovery. Be careful out there on the roads, when you do go out. I never did like this time of the year, for driving in the winter weather.

  8. I hope your mom is doing OK now. Fortunately my mom lives right next to me. I can look out my window and see her reading the morning paper.

    When I was caring for my grandparents I bought a emergency dialer at Radio Shack. You mom could just wear a small pendant that she pushes if she falls and it will automatically dial up to 3 phone numbers and keep dialing them until someone answers.

    Take care Sue and stay safe!
