
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Top Entrecard Droppers for October

Time again to thank my top 10 droppers from Entrecard. Thanks everyone for dropping on me daily. I really appreciate all the drops! Keep on dropping everyone! Here's some linky love for my top droppers from October:

Mommy's Little Corner 31
Healthy Living 31
moms..... check nyo 31
verITableLIFE 31
On The Bricks 31
LauriLiaw 31
Chica & Pumuckl - 2 Egyptian Cats in Germany 31
People You Need to Know 31
Marriage and Beyond 31
Online Games 31

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sue,
    You are very welcome and I thank you for all the visits and comments you leave on my blog. Wow, you have some awesome droppers! I always appreciate the link love. Have a great week! :-)
