Great news! And just in time for the holidays. Now there is Kmart Lay-Away! You may have seen the commercials already. The thing you may not know it that Kmart is the only national discount department store offering lay-away.
With the economy the way it is, this is a great service that Kmart is making available. Lay-away allows shoppers to make payments over an 8 week period of time. That way if you want the big ticket items you don't have to worry about coming up with the cash all at once. Also you will not have to tie up your credit card, and pay interest on your credit cards.
I know my kids already have lots of ideas about what they want for Christmas. I was looking on the Kmart website, where you can also enter your zip code to see the Kmarts in your area. There are a few not too far from me. My son really wants a Nintendo DS for Christmas.

With the Kmart lay-away plan, I just may be able to get it for him! You may want to get over to Kmart soon, after all Christmas is only 46 days away!

I love your new look!!! Can you believe only 46 days!!!!!!! Crazy!
ReplyDeleteMy daughter is crazy about Nitendo but she already has a playstation and a PC, so it won´t be this Christmas.
I also noticed your new look, so nice. It goes with the season too.
A good Sunday. Mizé.
I love the new look.