I like Christmas, just as much as anybody, but lately I am really getting somewhat anxious over it. Mostly because of the expensive of it all. But then I heard that Kmart Layaway for the Holidays is available!
This is great news just in time for my Christmas shopping. Now all I have to do is go to Kmart and select the items I want to buy. Such as the Nintendo DS my son wants for Christmas. Then I take it to the Layaway counter at Kmart and make a down payment on my Nintendo DS. Then all I have to do is make payments on it every two weeks at my Kmart store. And once the Nintendo DS is paid for I can bring it home and wrap it up for my son. Just in time for the holidays!
Also before I start the layaway process I will read the Kmart layaway fast facts which state that a layaway contract is 8 weeks. And that the service fee for all layaway contracts is $5.00. There is also a $10.00 fee for any layaway cancellations. These fees or a 10% down payment (which ever is greater) is collected when you start the layaway process.
As long as my payments are on time I will be able to take home my Nintendo DS and I won't have to be so anxious about anymore. Instead I can start looking forward to the holidays!

i love xmas but then i hate it too because of the expense. it will never change though i guess. its like everyones birthday isnt it lol