So now Mr. Bluelight is back and he's giving all Kmart shoppers a great deal on lay-aways. All you have to do is go to Kmart, select your items, like a bike or a toy truck or even jewelry, etc. Then bring your items to the lay-away counter and make a down payment. Then you can make payments every two weeks at your Kmart store, for an 8 week period. Then you can take your items home when your payments are complete. I really love the idea of Kmart Layaway!
And there are some exclusive deals you can only find at Kmart too, such as:
• Celebrations by Radko, a unique assortment of boxed glass ornaments exclusively for Kmart. The new collection by Christopher Radko, the original manufacturer of handmade glass ornaments and holiday collectibles.
• Jaclyn Smith 100-percent cashmere sweaters
• Range of home electronic systems from Samsung, Sony and Panasonic – all at affordable prices
• Wide variety of the popular Joe Boxer apparel for the family, including fleece, loungewear and sleepwear.
So head over to Kmart and start shopping with their great lay-away plan!

I used layaway a lot when my kids were little - not just to help with the budgeting, but to keep the gifts for me so I didn't have to find space to hide them!