
Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Happy With Daughter's Report Card

My daughter received her report card the other day. I'm very pleased with how she did. She is in 3rd grade this year. It is the first year where that she has actually received letter grades. Up until now she would just get checks and stars and such.

She got a B- in Language Arts, a B- in Math, a B in Social Studies and an A in Behavior, and an A in Work Habits. They didn't grade Science, because they haven't really done much in that subject yet. So for the first time getting "letter" grades I think she did great!

The one thing she doesn't excel in is Spelling, in fact my son doesn't do that good in that either. He didn't get his report card yet, because his school is on a different schedule. Next week is teacher's conferences, and I know the first thing they will say is their spelling problems. It's an issue every year. Oh well, if that's they only thing they don't do good in then I'm happy!


  1. congrats on the great report!!!

    As far as spelling, I am not a good speller but I am still fabulous!!! haahaa. That is what spell check is for!!!

  2. Great job! My daughter is in third grade as well and we are still not getting letter grades.

    I have an award for you over at my blog.

  3. Congrats on the great report card! Thankfully, my girls got great ones as well.

    I have something for you on my journal. :-)

  4. Hi Sue,
    That is one more thing to be proud of, when our kids are doing great, learning in school. Congrats to your daughter for a job well done. I am not a good speller either, I will get out my dictionary sometimes. :-)
