If you are a business owner then you know the importance of being able to accept credit cards. Well now there is a company that can help you do just that. Online Checks is a great company that has over 20 years of experience in merchant services.
If you're looking for a merchant account to accept credit cards at your place of business then Online Checks can help. They can also assist anyone who has an ecommerce website and needs credit card processing.
Some companies offer various things in their packages. But Online Checks offer it all in one package. With your credit card merchant account, you can expect, guaranteed low rates at 1.59%, for qualified merchants, you can begin accepting credit card payments within 24 hours. You will be able to accept credit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Cards.
With your merchant account their is also no contract and a one month free trial. They even provide free credit card machines. They will supply a Hypercom t7 plus terminal and printer-in one. It has all the features, reliability and functionality you’ll need to run your business. And best of all, it’s free. This credit card machine can support pin debit, check conversion, merchant gift cards, or just about any other application you might need.
So if your looking for merchant services, then you should visit Online checks. They will provide you with all the information you need to start your merchant account.
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