Now that baseball season is over, or at least it will be when they finally finish the World Series. It's time for football! It's also a great time for fantasy football.
There is a newly launched fantasy football site called WaiverWire Beta. Beta is the leading online destination for fantasy football. There you will have access to fantasy football news, stat analysis and players. And you will be able to receive tips and advice from other fantasy players across all the leagues online using their Social Networking platform.
WaiverWire Beta would be really useful for any fantasy football player. You can sign up for free, for a basic package. The basic package includes personal profile page, uploading fantasy teams, NFL team news feed, message boards, and more all for free. There is also even more features available at a low cost.
I know a few football fanatics this would be perfect for. If you love fantasy football check out It will be very benificial for all your fantasy football needs, not only for the current football season, but future ones too!

I considered getting into a fantasy league several times but have come to the conclusion that it's not for me. Number 1, because I don't know enough about the players or positions on teams other than the Browns and Patriots; and Number 2, it would eat up more of my free time which I have so little of already!