
Friday, October 10, 2008

Entrecard Down?

Any one else having a problem with Entrecard today? When I try to login to my toolbar, after it loads for at least a minute or more it says login failed. And when I go to the main website I can't get into my inbox.

I also noticed the widgets on people's blogs aren't loading right. The picture is missing in some cases and the drop box is not showing up. Is it just me or anyone else having this problem? This is frustrating since I have not been able to do any dropping yet today.

I hope it gets fixed soon!


  1. I am glad that I am not the only one. It is doing the same thing to me too. I am just going through my history to drop, but it is a pain. I guess it doesn't matter since no one else will be able to drop on me though :(

  2. Yes, I am having major problems with it as well. However, I found that if I log in and then choose my own blog, I can make drops at least from my links that I have on there.

  3. I have had to refresh many blogs to get the card to display today.

  4. you're not the only one, i almost knocked my head on the table, it's loading so slow and i feel so sleepy.

  5. Yes, I am having major issues with it too. I wish the people at entrecard would let us know what's going on.

    Chronic Chick Talk

  6. happening to me too. you're right, it is very frustrating.

  7. I know I was thinking that, why can't the Entrecard people let us know what is going on. Thanks for your comments everyone. I'm up to I think 100 drops, but it's touch and go, and have not been able to drop on everyone I've visited.

  8. This is two days in a row. I am going nuts attempting to drop and can't get anything to load. I feel bad for people who have paid high amounts to advertise and aren't getting their money's worth because of this.
