According to the statistics, last night was the second best comeback in post season history. The first was way back in 1929, when the Philadelphia A's overcame an 8 run deficit to beat the Cubs 10-8 in Game 4 of the World Series.
That means the Red Sox's amazing 8-7 victory on Thursday night against the Tampa Bay Rays was merely the second-best comeback in postseason history, as they overcame a 7-0 deficit to win.
Ye of little faith (which is me.) I even emailed a friend (who is a big fan too) to basically concede defeat when we were losing 7-0. Then next thing you know it is 7-2. I IM'd him and said "Do we have a chance?" A few minutes later he replied and said "Of course we do." I'm not sure if he really believed it. But next thing you know it is 7-4! We were coming back. I let my friend go, saying I'll email you tomorrow "if" we win. He said "when" we win.
Well we won! 8-7 in a walk off single by JD Drew in the bottom of the 9th! Now we have to win the next two in Tampa Bay. Hey, we did it on '04 and in '07!
I emailed my friend this morning and said "I guess miracles do happen." Now all we need is two more miracles!
What a game! I started watching when the score was 7-0 and was amazed with the Red Sox comeback! Go Sox!