
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Photo Hunters 127 (9) "Wild"

Today's Photo Hunters theme is "wild." Here are some pictures I took last weekend. It is of a wild river. This is the river that runs through the city were I live. It's the Nashua River. Besides running through the city, it also goes through a really nice park where you can walk. The park is called the Mine Falls Park. It is a 325 acre park that includes forest, wetlands, and open fields. My family and I love walking in there on the weekends.

The Nashua River was wild last Sunday because of the heavy rains we had the night before. It was from the remnants of Hurricane Hanna. I bet it will be pretty wild again after Hurricane Ike comes through, I think on Monday.


  1. Hi Sue, Thanks for sharing these pretty pictures of the Nashua River with us. I bet that would be enjoyable waling through the park there. That is a huge park with 325 acres. We have a small park in our town. Have a nice weekend and take care! :-)

  2. That looks like my kind of place to go and hang out! I enjoyed seeing these....beautiful as much as wild!

  3. Wow, it is gorgeous!

  4. Gorgeous!! What a great place to just relax and catch your breath.

    Write From Karen

  5. Beautiful. I always find the sound of running water to be soothing.

  6. Fantastic shots of wild water! Such glorious scenery!

  7. Very nice shots of the water :)

  8. That is wild. Great photos!

  9. I bet that sounds like heaven if you stand near it. I love the sound of waterfalls.

  10. it must make one's adrenalin rush upon seeing that awesome sight.

  11. that is so nice! if there was a bench there i would sit there all day lol

  12. Those are really cool pictures! It looks as though it would be loud!
