offers many solutions on how to do this. There are many ways in which you can achieve debt consolidation. Before you look at the options you should figure out how much you can afford a month and what your credit rating is.
One way to consolidate debt is to get a loan or a refinancing. If you can afford to make your payments and have equity in your home then this is an option for you. Another way to consolidate debt is to get credit counseling. If you can afford 2.5% of the face of your debts then you could get credit counseling. One more way is to seek debt settlement providers. If you have impaired credit and want the lowest payment you should look into this.
I personally am thinking of refinancing my house. With the economy the way it is, my family is paying out more then we are making. With gas prices and food prices going up all the time, we need to save our money to pay for the essentials. With school starting also comes other expenses. Like all the after school activities the kids are in. My daughter has started piano lessons and also takes dance classes. My son will be starting basketball soon. All these activities cost quite a bit of money.
I would like to pay down some of our high interest credit cards and in the long run save money to be able to afford everything that my family needs. If you're looking to consolidate your debt, like me, then check out There you will be able to find solutions to debt consolidation.
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