There is a modern Lasik known as iLasik Procedure. The iLasik Procedure uses two lasers, instead of one, that was used in earlier versions of the procedure. iLasik uses wave-front technology to map the unique characteristics of your eye. Then the ultrafast computer guided laser creates a corneal flap. This laser replaces the handheld blade that is used in older versions of the procedure, making it extremely safe. After the flap is created the second laser is guided to correct your vision. These two lasers combined create a procedure that is clinically proven to be safe and provide excellent visual results.
NASA and the U.S military have actually been using this procedure on their personnel for more than five years. This all-laser procecure has been used by the Department of Defense (DOD) and NASA to improve vision in top-personnel that face extreme, physically demanding conditions.
The military has observed that in 100 military personel who have had the iLasik Procedure 95% achieved 20/20 vision or better. When asked for a recommendation 100% of naval aviators would recommend iLasik to their fellow aviators. So if you're in need of visual correction, why not join what NASA and The DOD already know and get the iLasik Procedure.

I want my eyes fixed... My husband had his fixed paid for by the military! To bad they wont pay for dependents...