But in the mean time Yenzz from See N Read tagged me again for another tag:
I am: a nice person
I think: I'm too sensitive
I know: a lot about nothing
I have: two great kids
I wish: I had more money
I hate: shopping
I miss: my friend
I fear: ??
I hear: the news
I smell: brownies
I crave: spaghetti & meatballs
I search: information
I wonder: if my kids are happy
I regret: not living to the fullest every day
I love: my husband
I ache: today
I am not: mean
I believe: in love
I dance: hardly ever
I sing: badly
I cry: when I think of loved ones who have died
I fight: hardly ever
I win: never
I lose: a lot
I never: go to sleep without brushing my teeth
I always: say I love you to my kids
I confuse: when I try new things
I listen: to the radio in the car
I can usually be found: on the computer
I am scared: of lightening
I need: more money
I am happy about: a lot of things
I imagine: I need to do a lot of laundry!
Yenzz also gave me the following awards:

Thanks again Yenzz. And I promise to get a post up with some pictures from my camping trip up soon.
Hi Sue! After camping it is relaxing to be home in your comfy bed.