When I was in college, oh gosh 18 years ago, computers where not part of the curriculum. We didn't even have computers at my college back then. I was still typing my papers on an electric typewriter!
Even at my job I had after college, we were still typing everything on typewriters. How times have changed! Now to be in the competitive work force you really need to have knowledge of computers. Someday I when my kids are a little older, I am probably going to re-enter the working world. And I'd really love to work with computers.
I really enjoy working on the computer. But everything I know is basically self taught. I would need to have some kind of training and even IT certification would really give me a leg up in getting a job.
I discovered a great program Cisco certification. They have a training program that can open up new possibilities. Whether you are beginning, changing or enhancing your career, Cisco can help you towards your goals. On their website you can check out other peoples personal stories how Cisco helped them advance their careers.
You can register right online and take a course in a virtual classroom. They have a wide range of IT certification programs, some include Routing & Switching, Design, and Security. I'd love to work in the computer field someday. It's been awhile since I've had a job, and in order to be competitive when I do start working, a Cisco certification would really help me to achieve that.

I am self-taught also when it comes to computer and stuff. Hubby sometimes gets irritated with all my " askings", especially when he is busy. This IT training with Cisco sounds good to me. I might check them out and see what they have to offer. Thanks for posting this.